早前 ezone.hk 已為各位報導,Apple 承認在新版 iOS 內會限制 iPhone 處理器效能,以「節省」用電,並避免手機因電量耗盡而自動關機,原本用家以為受影響的機種只限 iPhone 6、iPhone 6s 、iPhone SE 等較舊款型號,但原來上一代的 iPhone 7 在升級至 iOS 11.2 之後都會出現以上情況,Apple 更表示會在之後的 iOS 加入相近的機制。
為此,美國就有 iPhone 7 用家向 Apple 正式提出集體訴訟。受影響的用家表示不認同 Apple 的做法,並認為這手段損害 iPhone 本身價值,Apple 此舉無疑是強迫用家升級至新一代 iPhone,而用家們更稱從未要求 Apple 降低舊型號手機的效能,以節省用量。同時,要求 Apple 停止限制舊款 iPhone 效能的做法,並需作出賠償。
Apple 完整聲明:
Our goal is to deliver the best experience for customers, which includes overall performance and prolonging the life of their devices. Lithium-ion batteries become less capable of supplying peak current demands when in cold conditions, have a low battery charge or as they age over time, which can result in the device unexpectedly shutting down to protect its electronic components.
Last year we released a feature for iPhone 6, iPhone 6s and iPhone SE to smooth out the instantaneous peaks only when needed to prevent the device from unexpectedly shutting down during these conditions. We’ve now extended that feature to iPhone 7 with iOS 11.2, and plan to add support for other products in the future.
Source: ezone.hk、tmz