Steve Jobs 獲美國總統拜登 頒發總統自由勳章

| 黃俊翔 | 02-07-2022 12:34 |
Steve Jobs 獲美國總統拜登 頒發總統自由勳章

Apple 已故創辦人喬布斯(Steve Jobs)昨日獲美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)頒發總統自由勳章(Presidential Medal of Freedom),該勳章是美國對平民頒發的最高榮譽。

白宮的介紹稱,Steve Jobs 的遠見、想像力和創造力帶來的發明,改變世界的交流方式,包括電腦、音樂、電影、無綫行業。



「Steve Jobs (d. 2011) was the co-founder, chief executive, and chair of Apple, Inc., CEO of Pixar and held a leading role at the Walt Disney Company. His vision, imagination and creativity led to inventions that have, and continue to, change the way the world communicates, as well as transforming the computer, music, film and wireless industries.」

Steve Jobs 於 2011 年 10 月 5 日離世,享年 56 歲。

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