Snapchat 加入 My AI 聊天機械人 朱克伯格發帖稱 Fb、IG 短期內有新產品

| 李兆城 | 28-02-2023 13:56 |
Snapchat 加入 My AI 聊天機械人 朱克伯格發帖稱 Fb、IG 短期內有新產品

社交程式 Snapchat 宣布其訂閱服務 Snapchat+ 提供 My AI 聊天機械人,應用 OpenAI ChatGPT 技術解答用戶各種問題,例如推薦禮物、食譜等,讓同是社交程式對手 Meta 的 CEO 朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)急發言論,指 Meta 亦會在短期內推出專注於創造和表達工具。

即刻【按此】,用 App 睇更多產品開箱影片

朱克伯格表示,Meta 創建一個新的頂級產品組,專注於生成人工智能,以推動這一領域的工作,短期內將專注於構建創造性和表現力的工具;長遠來看,將專注於開發能夠以多種方式幫助人們的 AI 角色。Meta 正探索 WhatsApp 及 Messenger 中的聊天、創意 Instagram 濾鏡和廣告格式的圖像體驗、影片、多模式體驗。

We're creating a new top-level product group at Meta focused on generative Al to
turbocharge our work in this area. We're starting by pulling together a lot of the teams
working on generative Al across the company into one group focused on building delightful
experiences around this technology into all of our different products. In the short term,
we'll focus on building creative and expressive tools. Over the longer term, we'll focus on
developing Al personas that can help people in a variety of ways. We're exploring
experiences with text (like chat in WhatsApp and Messenger), with images (like creative
Instagram filters and ad formats), and with video and multi-modal experiences. We have a
lot of foundational work to do before getting to the really futuristic experiences, but I'm
excited about all of the new things we'll build along the way.

不過,有評論認為朱克伯格「拋出」這些言論,是怕在 AI 競賽落後而影響投資者信心。

Snapchat+ 月費為 3.99 美元,並未開放予香港用戶訂閱。




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